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Do you know the meaning of ‘like’? If you are in a crush, you should read this article. Have you ever liked someone? Her heart beats when she remembers him/her, the memory of her joy in even the little things. I am. It happened often. There will be five or six people. ‘A person who falls in love quickly.’ That was me. Even if you treat me just a little bit well, I fall in love. It didn't matter if it was a crush or just a personality trait. For me, it was important that I liked it... 더보기
If you are thinking about divorcing your husband, read this article. Marriage is not important. Do you remember reading written by Lev Tolstoy? This is the story of the angel Michael gaining enlightenment in the human world. It is said that ‘people live with love.’ But ironically, Tolstoy had a ‘failed marriage.’ He left home at an old age and died of pneumonia on the street. He became a great person by writing a book about love, but failed at marriage. I wrote , but was marriage ‘crazy’? .. 더보기
If you want to study well, you must first learn to love. It has been over three months since I began studying writing in earnest. We read well-written articles, look at writing books, write them ourselves, and get feedback. As I progress, I refine my sentences and think about ways to show rather than say. I try to write better. Are you studying too? Have you ever thought about this? ‘What should I do to study well?’ As you know, today's world is crazy.. 더보기
If you lack affection, now is not the time to discuss self-esteem. If you are not loved, can you love yourself? “You must love yourself first.” Have you also heard of ‘self-esteem’? This is something that appears a lot in self-help books. I also tried to love myself. I wanted to be loved, and I struggled because it was difficult to be loved by someone who didn't love me. In the process, I felt like I couldn't reach. I didn't know why, and I felt pathetic for not being able to love myself. Of course, I cou.. 더보기
The moment when love is most needed is ‘when I hate myself.’ I meet people at Carrot Group once a week. When I read various articles during a writing group, I feel that my thinking is narrow-minded. It's always refreshing to hear from someone with a different perspective. It’s also fun to think about a ‘set topic’ other than what you want to write. I don't remember ever being told to "think about it" since I left school. It's probably because I'm so busy .. 더보기
I offer my consolation to those of you who find it difficult to start loving. it's okay. We can think about it together. “It's hard to start loving. “Now that I’m older and can’t meet anyone, what should I do?” First, I would like to offer my condolences. it's okay. That's how we all live. There is an older brother who lived alone until he was 30 and then suddenly left, and there is an older sister who suddenly sent me a wedding invitation one day saying she would get married. But you probably didn’t come to this .. 더보기
If you meet someone with whom you can communicate well, you should definitely catch up. If not, you can read this article. “My ideal type is someone I can communicate well with. “Where can I meet someone like that?” How would you answer if you were asked this question? It is difficult to meet ‘someone with whom you can communicate well’. That's why we think of that person when we talk about our destined partner. But if you think about it carefully, it's not that difficult. Because you already have the hang of it. Te.. 더보기
If you have already fallen out of love with your boyfriend, let him be. Then it will come back. “He was nice to me at first, but I think the love has cooled off. “What should I do?” If you ask this question, your goal is likely to be ‘restoring relationships.’ It's not about cutting corners or abusing power. However, I often see the answer that ‘you have to be pushed’. I am against it. I would like to explain why. - Let's assume that the two are lovers. At first, you might feel restless be.. 더보기